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Join our GoAGI Community

Freelance, remote, part-time, work from home jobs to help train AI

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Please note: buying and selling a GoAGI account is illegal

If you buy an account you will lose money because we have implemented safeguards to prevent illegal account purchases
SMS verification
We will send you an SMS with a code. You will need to enter it to verify that it is your phone. Please note that SMS delivery can take a minute or more.
Face photo during registration
Real time photo with verification code written on paper
Do AI training jobs from home
All you need is computer and an internet connection
Get paid reliably
Receive weekly payouts via PayPal for all work completed.
Work flexible hours
Work as much or as little as you want, whenever you want.
Receive great support
Our fantastic support team resolves issues promptly.
Choose your own projects
Freely choose which jobs to work on.
Grow your skills
Receive regular feedback and learn from the rest of the team.
Enjoy work variety
Label satellite images one day and train a language model the next.
Stay busy
Stay engaged and join our vibrant community on Discord.
AI training jobs online
Join our community and be the first to know about new jobs as they become available.


FD Collectors
Data Annotators
Image Annotators
Video Annotators
Audio Annotators
Text Annotators
Content Moderators
QA Specialist
Language Specialists
Speech Annotators
Research Assistants
Voice Actors
Ethics Reviewers
Data Curators
Data Analysts
Behavior Analysts
Project Managers
TDMV Specialists
RLHF Specialists
RT Experts
SFT Specialists
ME Experts
Model Trainers
HF Engineers
eAI Researchers
AI Policy Advisors
Data Engineers
STEM Specialists
Coding Specialists

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Frequently asked questions

No. Anyone at any career level can join our AI training community. We have opportunities for all skill levels – from students looking to earn extra cash and entry-level candidates just beginning their careers, to seasoned professionals and freelancers looking to supplement their existing income.

We're currently building our community and preparing for future opportunities. Join our Discord server to stay updated on new vacancies and be the first to know when positions become available.

At present, we pay via PayPal and Payoneer only. However, we are also exploring tokenization opportunities for future payments.

We offer competitive compensation to our community members. Pay rates are determined based on economic factors, your desired pay rate, and your unique skill set, with annual reviews to ensure fair compensation. Our payment terms are transparent, and you'll receive payments on time via the payment method you choose.

Payments are generated every Friday.

We believe in work-life balance. Choose which freelance, remote, part-time, work from home jobs you want to work on and when, to fit your busy schedule.



No. File upload sections are for clients.

No. This is a freelance job, and all taxes are handled by yourself.

No. That is against our rules. All applications submitted from the same IP are declined.


Yes, but we recommend using a laptop or a PC to use our transcription tool efficiently.

Just your PC/other device and a set of headphones.

Sign up/Register to our Discord Server: Register here
Study the guidelines: AI training guidelines
Study the samples that are in the guidelines.
Take the test: AI training jobs test
When jobs become available, click on APPLY NOW and select your field.

When you join our AI training community, you’ll have the opportunity to complete training and testing to continually develop your skills. The more training and tests you complete, the more opportunities you'll have to work on diverse and exciting projects.

We provide all the tools, training, and support you need to succeed. If you have any questions or concerns, simply send an inquiry on our support channel, and you'll receive a timely response.

At GoAGI, we believe our strength lies in our people. By joining our AI training community, you become an integral part of our family. Here, you're more than just a number; you are a valued member who will have the opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive. Collaborate with talented individuals from around the globe who share your passion for innovation and community engagement.

At GoAGI, we embrace the power of diversity. Our community is enriched by the unique perspectives and experiences of individuals from all walks of life. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where everyone feels welcomed and valued. By celebrating diversity, we enable our team members to achieve their fullest potential, driving our collective success and innovation.

Whether we realize it or not, AI impacts our daily lives in numerous ways. However, the effectiveness of AI depends heavily on the quality of data it’s trained on. This data needs to be collected, annotated, labeled, and validated by humans to ensure it’s accurate, reliable, fair, and inclusive. As a member of our AI training community, your contributions will be vital in training AI systems, shaping the future of AI applications and technologies. Your work will help make AI more effective and equitable for everyone.